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Faster and simpler electrical safety testing

Teknoware's new automatic electrical safety testing speeds up and simplifies lighting testing. The testing system supplied by Elkome offers a visual user interface for selecting and editing tests. The system also has a database interface for validation reports.

Automatic testing makes production more efficient

Electrical safety testing according to standards must be done for all manufactured electrical equipment. Elkome's electrical safety tester is a solution for automatic testing of products. Teknoware Oy updated the existing electrical safety tester to a database-based testing system and chose Elkome as the supplier of the new system.

Electrification of testing and control equipment

The testing devices and control relays used in the system were installed in the measuring device center, which the customer wanted to install permanently at the production testing point. The system can also be delivered to a mobile measuring device trolley, so electrical safety testing can be easily moved to different points of production.

Software for controlling and configuring the tester

The software of the electrical safety tester controls the testing equipment included in the system according to the selected test. Tests and test-related parameters can be edited per product or product batch. Compared to traditional testers, all selection options related to the test are made programmatically, after which the user only has to connect the correct wires to the product being tested. Elkome's electrical safety tester speeds up production testing, improves the reliability of testing, and enables reporting and traceability.

"The new automatic testing system makes the production of lamps more efficient and ensures the quality of the products."

Teknoware Oy