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Self-registration machines in customer guidance

Central Finland's hospital district uses self-registration machines in the customer guidance of the new central hospital in Jyväskylä, Central Hospital Nova’s self-registration and guidance at the reception enhances customer service and improves customer satisfaction.

Self-registration and guidance at the reception 

Self-registration is the only effective way to direct customers to the right place for an appointment in the new central hospital. There are a total of about 20 registration machines located at three entrances and on three different floors. The machines work for registering for a pre-booked reception and reserving a waiting room number for the emergency room and the Nova health center. 

- About 12,000 registrations are made with the self-registration machines per month. Without the machines and the guidance they make possible, there would be complete chaos in the hospital's customer management, says KSSHP's Service Manager Päivi Kontkanen about the efficiency and importance of self-registration. 

Device operation in heavy daily use 

Nova Hospital regularly holds follow-up meetings on the functioning of the self-registration system. Problems and observations are systematically collected using the ticket system. Since the use of the devices and the number of registrations are large, the devices must also be maintained daily. Because of this, the ease of maintenance is emphasized in daily operations. In practice, it has been noticed that the devices could be more ergonomic in terms of maintenance. 

- Even though the registration machines are in heavy use, there are very few technical problems in their operation, Kontkanen praises the operation of the devices. 

Ideas for product development 

Elkome delivered the self-registration machines to Nova Hospital through the system supplier selected for self-registration in a public tender. Service Manager Kontkanen emphasizes the close co-operation of different actors in monitoring the operation of the system and further product and system development. 

- For us, user feedback and customer experiences are absolutely important in the product development of devices. In order to improve functionality and usability, close co-operation with the system supplier is also important, says Elkome's Key Account Manager Petri Järvinen about the product development of self-registration machines. 

"Without self-registration machines and the guidance they enable, there would be complete chaos in the hospital's customer management. Even though the machines are in heavy use, there are very few technical problems in their operation."

Service Manager Päivi Kontkanen, Central Finland Hospital District
