ATEX computers and monitors
for explosive atmospheres
Bartec produces ATEX-certified computers and user interface solutions designed for explosive environments. Additionally, Bartec provides enclosure systems that safeguard electrical equipment and components in areas where explosive gases, dust, or flammable substances are present.
Requirements for IT hardware used in potentially explosive Ex areas
The European Union's ATEX (Atmosphères Explosibles) directive sets two main categories for equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Class 1 equipment is designed for use in mining conditions, while Class 2 equipment is suitable for other potentially explosive atmospheres.
Zone 0 means an area where explosive gases are constantly present during operation. In Zone 1, the risk of explosion is probable during use, while in Zone 2, the risk of explosion is unlikely or short-term. Zones 20, 21 and 22, on the other hand, describe areas where the danger of explosion caused by dust prevails continuously, probably or unlikely/short-term.